টোকা: প্ৰকাশ কৰাৰ পাছত পৰিৱৰ্তনসমূহ চাবৰ বাবে আপোনাৰ ব্ৰাউজাৰত কেশ্ব অগ্ৰাহ্য কৰিবলগীয়া হ'ব পাৰে।
- ফায়াৰফক্স / চাফাৰি: Shift ধৰি ৰাখি Reload ক্লিক কৰক, বা Ctrl-F5 আৰু Ctrl-R ৰ ভিতৰত যিকোনো এটা ক্লিক কৰক (মেকত ⌘-R)
- গুগল ক্ৰ'ম: Ctrl-Shift-R টিপক (মেকত ⌘-Shift-R)
- ইণ্টাৰনে'ট এক্সপ্ল'ৰাৰ / এড্জ: Ctrl ধৰি ৰাখি Refresh ক্লিক কৰক, বা Ctrl-F5 টিপক
- অপেৰা: Ctrl-F5 টিপক।
// _________________________________________________________________________________________
// | |
// | Changes to this page affect many users. |
// | Please discuss changes on the talk page or on [[Wikipedia_talk:Gadget]] before editing. |
// |_________________________________________________________________________________________|
// Imported from [[User:Gary King/localize comments.js]] (since moved to [[User:Gary King/comments in local time.js]])
// This script changes timestamps such as those in comments to be relative to the local time. See [[Wikipedia:Comments in Local Time]]
if (typeof(unsafeWindow) != 'undefined')
var console = unsafeWindow.console;
var mw = unsafeWindow.mw;
var language;
function commentsInLocalTime()
// Not sure why this is occuring, (possibly due to the unsafe window check above)
// But large amount of errors with "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'config' of undefined" so exit if that's the case.
if(!mw ||!mw.config) return;
To localize this script, change the terms below, to the RIGHT of the colons,
to the correct term used in that language.
For example, in the French language,
'Today' : 'Today',
would be
'Today' : 'Aujourd’hui',
language =
// relative terms
'Today' : 'আজি',
'Yesterday' : 'কালি',
'Tomorrow' : 'কালিলৈ',//needs differentiation
'last' : 'যোৱা',
'this' : 'বৰ্তমান',
// days of the week
'Sunday' : 'দেওবাৰ',
'Monday' : 'সোমবাৰ',
'Tuesday' : 'মংগলবাৰ',
'Wednesday' : 'বুধবাৰ',
'Thursday' : 'বৃহস্পতিবাৰ',
'Friday' : 'শুক্ৰবাৰ',
'Saturday' : 'শনিবাৰ',
// months of the year
'January' : 'জানুৱাৰী',
'February' : 'ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী',
'March' : 'মাৰ্চ',
'April' : 'এপ্ৰিল',
'May' : 'মে',
'June' : 'জুন',
'July' : 'জুলাই',
'August' : 'আগষ্ট',
'September' : 'ছেপ্তেম্বৰ',
'October' : 'অক্টোবৰ',
'November' : 'নৱেম্বৰ',
'December' : 'ডিচেম্বৰ',
// difference words
'ago' : 'পূৰ্ব',
'from now' : 'এতিয়াৰ পৰা',
// date phrases
'year' : 'বছৰ',
'years' : 'বছৰ',
'month' : 'মাহ',
'months' : 'মাহ',
'day' : 'দিন',
'days' : 'দিন'
if (typeof(LocalComments) == 'undefined') LocalComments = {};
if (typeof(LocalComments.dateDifference) == 'undefined') LocalComments.dateDifference = true;
if (typeof(LocalComments.dropDays) == 'undefined') LocalComments.dropDays = 0;
if (typeof(LocalComments.dropMonths) == 'undefined') LocalComments.dropMonths = 0;
if (typeof(LocalComments.dateFormat) == 'undefined')
// Deprecated: LocalizeConfig
if (typeof(LocalizeConfig) != 'undefined' && typeof(LocalizeConfig.dateFormat) != 'undefined' && LocalizeConfig.dateFormat != '') LocalComments.dateFormat = LocalizeConfig.dateFormat;
else LocalComments.dateFormat = 'dmy';
if (typeof(LocalComments.dayOfWeek) == 'undefined') LocalComments.dayOfWeek = true;
if (typeof(LocalComments.timeFirst) == 'undefined') LocalComments.timeFirst = true;
if (typeof(LocalComments.twentyFourHours) == 'undefined') LocalComments.twentyFourHours = false;
End Settings
if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') == '' || mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') == 'MediaWiki' || mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') == 'Special' || mw.config.get('wgAction') == 'history') return false;
replaceText($('#' + ((mw.config.get('wgAction') == 'edit' || mw.config.get('wgAction') == 'submit') ? 'wikiPreview' : 'bodyContent')), /(\d\d):(\d\d), (\d{1,2}) ([A-Z][a-z]+) (\d{4}) \(UTC\)/);
function addLeadingZero(number)
if (number < 10) number = '0' + number;
return number;
function adjustTime(originalTimestamp, search)
var time = originalTimestamp.match(search);
var oldHour = time[1], oldMinute = time[2], oldDay = time[3], oldMonth = time[4], oldYear = time[5];
var today = new Date(), yesterday = new Date(), tomorrow = new Date();
yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1);
tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1);
// set the date entered
var time = new Date();
time.setUTCFullYear(oldYear, convertMonthToNumber(oldMonth), oldDay);
// determine the time offset
var utcOffset = -1 * time.getTimezoneOffset() / 60;
if (utcOffset >= 0) utcOffset = '+' + utcOffset;
else utcOffset = '−' + Math.abs(utcOffset);
// set the date bits to output
var year = time.getFullYear();
var month = addLeadingZero(time.getMonth() + 1);
var day = time.getDate();
var hour = parseInt(time.getHours());
var minute = addLeadingZero(time.getMinutes());
// output am or pm depending on the date
var ampm = '';
if (LocalComments.twentyFourHours) hour = addLeadingZero(hour);
ampm = ' am';
if (hour > 11) ampm = ' pm';
if (hour > 12) hour -= 12;
if (hour == '00') hour = 12;
// return 'today' or 'yesterday' if that is the case
if (year == today.getFullYear() && month == addLeadingZero(today.getMonth() + 1) && day == today.getDate()) var date = language['Today'];
else if (year == yesterday.getFullYear() && month == addLeadingZero(yesterday.getMonth() + 1) && day == yesterday.getDate()) var date = language['Yesterday'];
else if (year == tomorrow.getFullYear() && month == addLeadingZero(tomorrow.getMonth() + 1) && day == tomorrow.getDate()) var date = language['Tomorrow'];
// calculate day of week
var dayNames = new Array(language['Sunday'], language['Monday'], language['Tuesday'], language['Wednesday'], language['Thursday'], language['Friday'], language['Saturday']);
var dayOfTheWeek = dayNames[time.getDay()];
var descriptiveDifference = '';
var last = '';
if (LocalComments.dateDifference)
// calculate time difference from today
var millisecondsAgo = today.getTime() - time.getTime();
var daysAgo = Math.abs(Math.round(millisecondsAgo / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24));
var differenceWord = '', last = '';
if (millisecondsAgo >= 0)
differenceWord = language['ago'];
if (daysAgo <= 7) last = language['last'] + ' ';
differenceWord = language['from now'];
if (daysAgo <= 7) last = language['this'] + ' ';
// This method of computing the years & months is not exact.
// However, it's better than the previous method that used
// 1 January + delta days. That was usually quite off because
// it mapped the second delta month to February, which has only 28 days.
// This method is usually not more than one day off.
var monthsAgo = Math.floor(daysAgo / 365 * 12); // close enough
var totalMonthsAgo = monthsAgo;
var yearsAgo = Math.floor(monthsAgo / 12);
if (monthsAgo < LocalComments.dropMonths) yearsAgo = 0;
else if (LocalComments.dropMonths > 0) monthsAgo = 0;
else monthsAgo = monthsAgo - yearsAgo * 12;
if (daysAgo < LocalComments.dropDays)
monthsAgo = 0;
yearsAgo = 0;
else if (LocalComments.dropDays > 0) daysAgo = 0;
else daysAgo = daysAgo - Math.floor(totalMonthsAgo * 365 / 12);
var descriptiveParts = [];
if (yearsAgo > 0)
var fmtYears = yearsAgo + ' ' + pluralize(language['year'], yearsAgo, language['years']);
if (monthsAgo > 0)
var fmtMonths = monthsAgo + ' ' + pluralize(language['month'], monthsAgo, language['months']);
if (daysAgo > 0)
var fmtDays = daysAgo + ' ' + pluralize(language['day'], daysAgo, language['days']);
descriptiveDifference = ' (' + descriptiveParts.join(', ') + ' ' + differenceWord + ')';
// format the date according to user preferences
var formattedDate = '', monthName = convertNumberToMonth(time.getMonth());
switch (LocalComments.dateFormat.toLowerCase())
case 'dmy':
formattedDate = day + ' ' + monthName + ' ' + year;
case 'mdy':
formattedDate = monthName + ' ' + day + ', ' + year;
formattedDate = year + '-' + month + '-' + addLeadingZero(day);
var formattedDayOfTheWeek = '';
if (LocalComments.dayOfWeek) formattedDayOfTheWeek = ', ' + last + dayOfTheWeek;
var date = formattedDate + formattedDayOfTheWeek + descriptiveDifference;
var finalTime = hour + ':' + minute + ampm;
if (LocalComments.timeFirst) var returnDate = finalTime + ', ' + date + ' (UTC' + utcOffset + ')';
else var returnDate = date + ', ' + finalTime + ' (UTC' + utcOffset + ')';
return [returnDate, time];
function convertMonthToNumber(month)
var output = new Date(month + ' 1, 2001');
return output.getMonth();
function convertNumberToMonth(number)
var month = new Array(language['January'], language['February'], language['March'], language['April'], language['May'], language['June'], language['July'], language['August'], language['September'], language['October'], language['November'], language['December']);
return month[number];
function pluralize(term, count, plural)
if (plural == null) plural = term + 's';
return (count == 1 ? term : plural);
function replaceText(node, search)
if (!node.length) return false;
if (node[0].nodeType == 3)
var value = node[0].nodeValue;
var matches = value.match(search);
if (matches != null)
for (match = 0; match < matches.length; match++)
if (afterMatch != null && length != null) var position = afterMatch.search(search) + beforeMatch.length + length;
else var position = value.search(search);
var length = matches[match].toString().length;
var beforeMatch = value.substring(0, position);
var afterMatch = value.substring(position + length);
var timeArray = adjustTime(matches[match].toString(), search);
var span = $('<span class="localcomments" style="font-size: 95%; white-space: nowrap;" timestamp="' + timeArray[1].getTime() + '" title="' + matches[match] + '">' + timeArray[0] + '</span>');
span.before($('<span class="before-localcomments"></span>').text(beforeMatch));
span.after($('<span class="after-localcomments"></span>').text(afterMatch));
var children = [];
var child = node.contents().eq(0);
while (child.length)
child = $(child[0].nextSibling);
for (var child = 0; child < children.length; child++)
replaceText(children[child], search);