খেল তত্ত্বৰ এটা সমাধানকেন্দ্ৰিক ধাৰণা
যাৰ উপসংহতি {{{subsetof}}}
যাৰ অধিসংহতি {{{supersetof}}}
যাক ছেদ কৰে {{{intersectwith}}}
যাৰ পৰা স্বাধীন {{{indepedentof}}}
প্ৰস্তাৱক {{{discoverer}}}
ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয় {{{usedfor}}}
উদাহৰণ {{{example}}}
{{ infobox equilibrium
| name          = <!-- Name of the equilibrium concept -->
| subsetof      = <!-- List of equilibrium concepts that this equilibrium concept is a subset of -->
| supersetof    = <!-- List of equilibrium concepts that are a subset of this equilibrium concept -->
| intersectwith = <!-- List of equilibrium concepts that overlap with this one, but that are neither subsets nor supersets -->
| independentof = <!-- List of equilibrium concepts that do not overlap with this one -->
| discoverer    = <!-- The person who first defined the equilibrium concept -->
| usedfor       = <!-- If the concept is used for particular purposes, list them here -->
| example       = <!-- A game that provides an interesting example -->

As a general rule, it is best to only list the immediate sub and supersets for a particular concept. So, for instance, every subgame perfect equilibrium is a Nash equilibrium and every Nash equilibrium is Rationalizable. It is probably best only to list Nash equilibrium in the list of supersets.

Nash Equilibrium
খেল তত্ত্বৰ এটা সমাধানকেন্দ্ৰিক ধাৰণা
যাৰ উপসংহতি Rationalizability, Correlated equilibrium
যাৰ অধিসংহতি Evolutionarily stable strategy, Subgame perfect equilibrium, Perfect Bayesian equilibrium, Trembling hand perfect equilibrium
প্ৰস্তাৱক John Forbes Nash
ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয় All non-cooperative games
উদাহৰণ Prisoner's dilemma
{{ infobox equilibrium
| name       = Nash Equilibrium
| subsetof   = [[Rationalizability]], [[Correlated equilibrium]]
| supersetof = [[Evolutionarily stable strategy]], [[Subgame perfect equilibrium]], [[Perfect Bayesian equilibrium]], [[Trembling hand perfect equilibrium]]
| discoverer = [[John Forbes Nash]]
| usedfor    = All [[non-cooperative game]]s
| example    = [[Prisoner's dilemma]]