ৱিকিপিডিয়া বাৰ্তা:প্ৰশাসক পদৰ বাবে আবেদন

Latest comment: 5 বছৰৰ পূৰ্বে by ৰাজেশ বৈশ্য in topic আবেদন
I do support the candidature of Amlan Basumatari for adminship and I agree that we need more admins. Prabhakar himself was nominated because we needed more hands to help here. But I do not agree to the language of the proposal which has multiple defects. চাইপাও 09:23, 5 ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী 2012 (UTC)
The language of the proposal should have been more formal. Amlan is a good wikipedian and his contribution should be the main criteria for his nomination. Other personal comments and opinions are of no value here. Please look at the previous adminship proposals. Gitartha.bordoloi 09:37, 5 ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী 2012 (UTC)
Dear friend চাইপাও; would you please perform the necessary further actions in order to make Amlan a sysop? I am not so much familiar with the relevant tech procedure. প্রভাকৰ শৰ্মা নেওগ 10:46, 5 ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী 2012 (UTC)

As an non-Assamese speaker I do not want to involve in the internal affairs of Assamese wiki. But since I was specifically asked to comment on this issue in FB, l am taking the liberty to place a comment on this issue.

Once the voting period is over, please place a request to make User:Simbu123 an admin here http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Permissions#Administrator_access Any community member can do that. That job is not assigned to an existing admin. Any community memeber can do that.

My first comment. Controlling Assamese wikipedia using Facebook should be discouraged. That is not good for assamese wikipedia. All Assamese wikipedia related important discussions between Assamese wikimedians must happen inside Assamese wikipedia. We have enough forums inside Assamese wikipedia to discuss various things related to Assamese Wikipedia. While FB and other off-wiki forums can be used for the outreach of Assamese wiki, those forums should not be turned into Assamese wikipedia killer. Remmeber there are many users in Assamese wiki who do not have even accounts in FB. We are making fun of those important community memebers by discussing all these important topics outside wikipedia. Let me reiterate my point once again, while off-wiki forums like FB can be used for the outreach of Assamese wiki, all important discussions regarding Assamese wikipedia between Assamese wikipedians should be happened inside AS wiki. This is my suggestion based on my previous experience.

Yes, as Chaipu and Gitartha have pointed out while the candidature of User:Chimpu123 (I do not understand why Chimpu123's real name is used in this proposal) is acceptable to all, the tone used in the proposal message is not good. It is not assuming good faith on the rest of the users. Let me explain why it is not good.

// As you already know that myself is a sysop on Aswiki and am doing my duty duly, to my best of efforts. I need a helping hand by Amlan Basumatari in order to run it better.//

This is giving an impression that other admins or other users are not doing their duty. This is not at all correct. I was just checking the list of admins of AS wiki. Among this atleast Chaipu is very active in AS wiki related activities. Also all existing active users are doing every thing to make this wiki better. Also please rememeber that admins are not running the wiki. Community is running the wiki. Admins are just community memebers with some extra rights. So that comment is unnecessarily hurting the current active admins and active users.

//I have good faith on him. Further he is a final year student of computer science and after talking to him in Guwahati University Wikimeetup//

This is also wrong. Simbu123 being a final year student of computer science or User:Psneog talking to Simbu123 in real life do not qualify Simbu123 to be an admin in AS wiki. We all know that Simbu123's Assamese wiki contributions are making him Simbu123 eligible for this. Rest of the Simbu123's real life qualifications are not valid here. (Just for information, In malayalam wiki we do not know any real life details of atleast 2 admins who are very active. They are just wonderful.There are many users also like that) Inside wiki real life details are irrelavent. Wiki contributions are important. And that should be the only criteria for various wiki rights.

//The poll closes on 12:00 midnight on 12 Fabruary, 2012//

Assamese wiki need to have some policy regarding elections soon. This election itself initially started in some other page which is wrong. This shows that admins/senior users themselves are not keen on finding the coorect forum to post various messages, which is bad. Usually admin polls in most wiki run for 7days. Also in most Indic wikis (for example, Malayalam, Tamil) have some restriction on the users who can vote in wiki election. Some of the criteria for voters are IPs cannot vote (but they can comment), to vote in an election a user need to have atleast 10 edits in article namespace before the start of election, need to complete atleast 30 days in wiki, and so on. So please discuss this in Wiki and formulate some policy (again this need to be discussed in wiki, not in FB please)

Concluding remark: Admin post in wiki is not a big thing. According to me, contributing to my language wiki is the most important thing than anything else. Myself active in Malayalam wiki for more than 5.5 years now. Only for a short period of time (around 10 months) I was an admin there. I resigned from admin post as soon as I found I was not able to do much admin activities there. Resigning from admin post is very easy. Just place a message here: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Permissions#Removal_of_access and inform the community about it. But not being an admin do not restrict me from contributing to Malayalam wiki projects. I lead the CD project there, FAQ booklet project, photo events, many wiki workshops and meetups, many numerous initiatives, and so on. When doing all these I was not an admin there. All these I had done as a normal user because I know in Wikipedia, Wiki community is doing the things. Admins or individuals cannot achive anything with out communty support. Now also I am not an admin in any wiki. That is not restricting me from contributing to various wikis.

Yes, we need few admins in every wiki. But every communty member doesn't need to an admin. In AS wiki, give focus to develop the community and community relations. Again please discuss AS wiki related things inside AS wiki. The discussions need to be documented for future generation. FB and other social netwrking forums might be closed tomorrow (like Orkut is inactive now a days) . But wiki will stay here in one or the other form. So please understand the importance of on-wiki discussions. Use FB and other forums for public outrreach. Let most important discussions happen inside wiki. --Shiju Alex (WMF) 21:10, 5 ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী 2012 (UTC)

First: its not about controlling aswiki, its about administering - there is a vast difference.
Second: If there are are other other admins, they are not networking among themselves adequately.
Third: Assamese wikipedians is a small community as of today and doesn't have a policy so far. So it is allright to work on an admin decision like this.
Fourth - USE OF FACEBOOK: Facebook certainly has a far better interface for discussion than that of Mediawiki. So let us use Facebook as a forum of initial decision and if it gets concensus, move it on to Aswiki. Thanks প্রভাকৰ শৰ্মা নেওগ 22:46, 5 ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী 2012 (UTC)

I have withdrawn, that vote. দীপাংকৰ চেতিয়া বাৰ্তা 03:27, 6 ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী 2012 (UTC)

ইয়াত আজি অম্লান জ্যোতি প্ৰশাসক পদ প্ৰাপ্তি কৰাৰ পাছত বৰ্তমান ৬ জন প্ৰশাসক হ’ল| ৪ জন ইয়াৰ মাজত সক্ৰিয় আৰু বাকী সংগীতা আৰু সমুজ্জ্বল নিষ্ক্ৰিয় সদস্য হিচাপে ৱিকিপিডিয়াৰ লগত জড়িত হৈ আছে| নিষ্ক্ৰিয় সদস্য সকলৰ অৱসৰৰ কি ব্যৱস্থা আছে? এনেই প্ৰশাসক পদটো অধিকাৰ কৰি থকাতকৈ কিবা এটা হেস্ত নেস্ত কৰি পেলোৱাই ভাল হ’ব নেকি?

বিষ্ণু শইকীয়াৰ মনোনয়ন:মন্তব্য

সম্পাদনা কৰক
বিষ্ণু শইকীয়ালৈ মোৰ পূৰ্ণ সমৰ্থন আছে। কিন্তু এইবাৰো আবেদন জনোৱাৰ সময়ত বস্তুনিষ্ঠ ভাষাৰ প্ৰয়োগ নহ'ল। সেইটো আগলৈ লক্ষ্য ৰাখিলে ভাল হ'ব। উদ্দীপতালুকদাৰ (talk) 16:52, 4 মাৰ্চ 2012 (UTC)
প্ৰস্তাৱটোৰ সন্দৰ্ভত উদ্দীপ তালুকদাৰৰ ওপৰোক্ত মন্তব্যটোৰ লগত একমত। ভগৎ লাল দত্ত 04:31, 5 মাৰ্চ 2012 (UTC)
তেন্তে প্রস্তাৱটো সম্পাদনা কৰি ঠিক কৰি দি্য়ক, মোৰ আপত্তি নাই। প্রভাকৰ শৰ্মা নেওগ (talk) 00:19, 6 মাৰ্চ 2012 (UTC)
কৰা হ'ল। গীতাৰ্থ বৰদলৈ (talk)

গীতাৰ্থ বৰদলৈৰ মনোনয়ন: মন্তব্য

সম্পাদনা কৰক

অসমীয়া ৱিকিৰ প্ৰশসক পদৰ বাবে গীতাৰ্থ বৰদলৈৰ মনোনয়নত মোৰ সম্পূৰ্ণ সমৰ্থন আছে কিন্তু এই আবেদন অসমীয়াত হ'ব লাগে। Jyoti Prakash Nath (talk) 05:41, 12 জানুৱাৰী 2013 (UTC)


সম্পাদনা কৰক

মই অসমীয়া WIKI ৰ হৈ কাম কৰিব বিচাৰিছো।। ৰাজেশ বৈশ্য (talk) 15:24, 5 August 2019 (ইউ.টি.চি.)উত্তৰ দিয়ক

"প্ৰশাসক পদৰ বাবে আবেদন" প্ৰকল্প পৃষ্ঠালৈ উভতি যাওক।